Jsem doma a stůňu. Stále ještě... Bo šije pro Bratra čínský obleček a já pozvolna bojuji se svým podnikatelským záměrem, který mám vytvořit v rámci PhD. Asi budu psát o svém snu a chci o tom dát řeč s Bo, Ha a Da, ale asi teď stejně v mé blízkosti není nikdo, kdo by měl energii, odvahu či jasnou představu, jak to začít pomalu zkoumat a realizovat. Tak budu muset sama. Ale když to bude mít hlavu a patu a bude to silné, tak to snad ostatní přiláká a strhne :-)
Taky nechávám v hlavě šumět a šeptat věci minulé. Včera jsem si při tom i dobře zařvala. Zdá se, že už se mi vrací hlas :-) Sousedi se možná lehce podivili. Už tu tím budeme proslulí. Nedávno Bo s Ha halekaly z oken: "Doprdele, proč furt někdo musí mít nějaký pocity!!!" "Fuck off pocity!!!" Myslím, že pro nějakého chodce na ulici to mohlo být docela zajímavé prozření, pokud se zrovna něčím užíral.
Jinak ty ulice tady kolem mají docela svou sílu. Nedávno se Ja v noci vracel se svou kámoškou do Hnízda a zase něco řešili hlavou a hlavou a hlavou. A najednou se někde nahoře otevřelo okno a z něj vyletěla kniha, která jim padla před nohy. A já jsem zase nedávno našla na ulici čajovou růži. Jarobal na to řekl, že to musela být strašná hádka... a mě kupodivu tahle varianta vůbec nenapadla. Myslela jsem si, že ji prostě někdo ztratil... že mu vypadla a ani si toho nevšimnul. Hmmm, pak jsem si řekla, že to o mě a Jarobalovi taky vypovídá... Vlastně princip arteterapie, barva, obraz, tvar a každý vidí jiný příběh. Ta růže už u nás žije několik týdnů. Asi jí nechám zakořenit a pak jí zasadím.
Ještě tu dám link na mojí oblíbenkyni, kterou jsem před rokem zažila v Praze:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIT5X46aJcY&feature=relatedNow only an expert can deal with the problem
Because half the problem is seeing the problem
And only an expert can deal with the problem
Only an expert can deal with the problem
So if there?s no expert dealing with the problem
It?s really actually twice the problem
Cause only an expert can deal with the problem
Only an expert can deal with the problem
Now in America we like solutions
We like solutions to problems
And there?s so many companies that offer solutions
Companies with names like Pet Solution The Hair Solution.
The Debt Solution. The World Solution. The Sushi Solution.
Companies with experts ready to solve the problems.
Cause only an expert can see there?s a problem
And only an expert can deal with the problem
Only and expert can deal with the problem
Now let?s say you?re invited to be on Oprah
And you don?t have a problem
But you want to go on the show, so you need a problem
So you invent a problem
But if you?re not an expert in problems
You?re probably not going to invent a very plausible
And so you?re probably going to get nailed
You?re going to get exposed
You?re going to have to bow down and apologize
And beg for the public?s forgiveness.
Cause only an expert can see there?s a problem
And only an expert can deal with the problem
Only an expert can deal with the problem
Now on these shows, the shows that try to solve your problems The big question is always ?How can I get control? How can I take control?? But don?t forget this is a question for the regular viewer The person who?s barely getting by. The person who?s watching shows about people with problems The person who?s part of the 60% of the U.S. population 1.3 weeks away, 1.3 pay checks away from homelessness. In other words, a person with problems. So when experts say, ?Let?s get to the root of the problem Let?s take control of the problem So if you take control of the problem you can solve the problem.? Now often this doesn?t work at all because the situation is completely out of control. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem So who are these experts? Experts are usually self-appointed people or elected officials Or people skilled in sales techniques, trained or self-taught To focus on things that might be identified as problems. Now sometimes these things are not actually problems. But the expert is someone who studies the problem And tries to solve the problem. The expert is someone who carries malpractice insurance. Because often the solution becomes the problem. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Now sometimes experts look for weapons. And sometimes they look everywhere for weapons. And sometimes when they don?t find any weapons Sometimes other experts say, ?If you haven?t found any weapons It doesn?t mean there are no weapons.? And other experts looking for weapons find things like cleaning fluids. And refrigerator rods. And small magnets. And they say, ?These things may look like common objects to you But in our opinion, they could be weapons. Or they could be used to make weapons. Or they could be used to ship weapons. Or to store weapons.? Cause only an expert can see they might be weapons And only an expert can see they might be problems. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem And sometimes, if it?s really really really hot. And it?s July in January. And there?s no more snow and huge waves are wiping out cities. And hurricanes are everywhere. And everyone knows it?s a problem. But if some of the experts say it?s no problem And other experts claim it?s no problem Or explain why it?s no problem Then it?s simply not a problem. But when an expert says it?s a problem And makes a movie and wins an Oscar about the problem Then all the other experts have to agree that it is most likely a problem. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem And even though a county can invade another country. And flatten it. And ruin it. And create havoc and civil war in that other country If the experts say that it?s not a problem And everyone agrees that they?re experts good at seeing problems Then invading that country is simply not a problem. And if a country tortures people And holds citizens without cause or trial and sets up military tribunals This is also not a problem. Unless there?s an expert who says it?s the beginning of a problem. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can see there?s a problem And see the problem is half the problem And only an expert can deal with the problem Only an expert can deal with the problem...